Poultry Slaughter

Quantitative assessment of the welfare impacts of methods for the commercial slaughter of broilers

On any day, over 200 million chickens are slaughtered for food, a figure that excludes unproductive laying hens killed in the egg production chain and the mass-killing of male chicks deemed unsuitable for meat production. It amounts to over 8 million chickens killed per hour, representing more than 95% of all land animals slaughtered for food on this planet.

With millions of animals slaughtered daily, even small differences in the magnitude of the pain associated with the different manners of death that befall these birds become crucial to inform strategies to reduce suffering in the poultry industry. In this project, we address the welfare impacts of different slaughter methods used for poultry. 

Although originally developed as a means of immobilising the animal for ease of processing, recognition that the pain endured during slaughter should be alleviated has become the main driver for the implementation of slaughter methods that include an initial stunning stage to render the animal unconscious and insensible to pain 一 ideally in an immediate and painless way 一 until the time of death. For instance, since 1974 European legislation requires that all animals to be killed for human consumption must be stunned before they are slaughtered. Similarly, most countries in Latin America have some legislation in place that makes it compulsory to use methods to stun animals prior to their slaughter for consumption

Unfortunately, pre-slaughter stunning regulation is still lacking in many parts of the world and, where present, enforcement is poor and legal loopholes abound. For example, European legislation on welfare at the time of killing states that animals “must be spared any avoidable pain, distress or suffering during their killing. Yet, the choice of the term ‘avoidable’ in several paragraphs of the regulation leaves room for interpretation and flexibility in the implementation. In the United States, poultry are not listed under the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act, hence there is no legal requirement for pre-slaughter stunning 一 its practice is merely voluntary. The observed frailties in the legislation in Europe and the US are an indicator of welfare during slaughter in other regions.

Even where pre-slaughter stunning is widely implemented, stunning methods will differ in their effectiveness and welfare impacts. Existing methods mostly fall in three categories: mechanical, electrical, and controlled atmosphere stunning (CAS). While mechanical stunning (e.g., cervical dislocation) is predominantly used at small-scale or as a back-up, electrical and, to a lesser extent, CAS stunning are the methods of choice in commercial slaughterhouses

In this project it was our goal to provide a quantitative basis upon which to evaluate the welfare impacts of existing and potential policies on the stunning of poultry prior to slaughter. To this end, we use the Cumulative Pain Framework to estimate the loss of welfare endured by birds exposed to electrical waterbath stunning (the most commonly used method for poultry stunning globally) and multi-stage controlled atmosphere stunning with CO2 (the most commonly applied stunning gas under commercial conditions).

The results are thoroughly described and justified in Chapter 8 (‘Quantitative assessment of the welfare impacts of methods for the commercial slaughter of broilers‘) of the book Quantifying Pain in Broilers.

typical phases involved in electrical waterbath stunning systems


Experiences of pain perceived as aversive, but not intense enough to disrupt the animal’s routine in a way that alters adaptive functioning or affects the behaviors that animals are motivated to perform. Similarly, Annoying pain should not deter individuals from enjoying pleasant experiences with no short-term function (e.g., play) and positive social interactions. Sufferers can ignore this sensation most of the time. Performance of cognitive tasks demanding attention are either not affected or only mildly affected. Physiological departures from expected baseline values are not expected to be present. Vocalizations and other overt expressions of pain should not be observed.

Experiences of pain in this category disrupt the ability of individuals to function optimally. Different from Annoying pain, the ability to draw attention away from the sensation of pain is reduced: awareness of pain is likely to be present most of the time, interspersed by brief periods during which pain can be ignored depending on the level of distraction provided by other activities. Individuals can still conduct routine activities that are important in the short-term (e.g. eating, foraging) and perform cognitively demanding tasks, but an impairment in their ability or motivation to do so is likely to be observed. Although animals may still engage in behaviors they are strongly motivated to perform (i.e., exploratory, comfort, sexual, and maintenance behaviors), their frequency or duration is likely to be reduced. Engagement in positive activities with no immediate benefits (e.g., play in piglets, dustbathing in chickens) is not expected. Reduced alertness and inattention to ongoing stimuli may be present. The effect of (effective) drugs (e.g., analgesics if pain is physical, psychotropic drugs in the case of psychological pain) in the alleviation of symptoms is expected. 

Pain at this level takes priority over most bids for behavioral execution and prevents all forms of enjoyment or positive welfare. Pain is continuously distressing. Individuals affected by harms in this category often change their activity levels drastically (the degree of disruption in the ability of an organism to function optimally should not be confused with the overt expression of pain behaviors, which is less likely in prey species). Inattention and unresponsiveness to milder forms of pain or other ongoing stimuli and surroundings is likely to be observed. Relief often requires higher drug dosages or more powerful drugs. The term Disabling refers to the disability caused by ‘pain’, not to any structural disability.

All conditions and events associated with extreme levels of pain that are not normally tolerated even if only for a few seconds. In humans, it would mark the threshold of pain under which many people choose to take their lives rather than endure the pain. This is the case, for example, of scalding and severe burning events. Behavioral patterns associated with experiences in this category may include loud screaming, involuntary shaking, extreme muscle tension, or extreme restlessness. Another criterion is the manifestation of behaviors that individuals would strongly refrain from displaying under normal circumstances, as they threaten body integrity (e.g. running into hazardous areas or exposing oneself to sources of danger, such as predators, as a result of pain or of attempts to alleviate it). The attribution of conditions to this level must therefore be done cautiously. Concealment of pain is not possible.

Although pain inherently concerns individuals, we operationally accept that the collective welfare of the members of a population can also be determined. Measuring cumulative pain at the population level is also necessary to account for the heterogeneity in the exposure of population members to different challenges. For example, while lameness is experienced by a large fraction of broiler chickens,  fatal cases of ascites are only experienced by a few. Therefore, measurement efforts must consider the prevalence of each welfare challenge, so that pain is determined for the average member of the population (which may not necessarily correspond to any real organism). At the population level, the time spent at each level of pain intensity as a result of each challenge is determined by multiplying it by its prevalence. For example, if a condition causes 10 hours of Disabling pain and 70% of the population are affected, then the average member of this population could be said to experience 7 hours of Disabling pain due to the condition. Measurements at the population level enable comparing the impact of different practices and conditions across demographics, geographies, and time.

(see Chapter 8 for a justification)

  • From the moment of placement in the stunning/slaughter system until loss of consciousness, the average broiler is expected to spend 0.02 (0.01-0.03) seconds in Excruciating pain and 8.82 (5.4-12.2) seconds in Disabling pain in properly managed multi-stage CO2 systems, compared to 
    • (i) 2.18 (0.9-3.5) seconds in Excruciating pain and 69 (23-115) seconds in Disabling pain in electrical waterbath systems where birds are fatally electrocuted (stun-kill systems typically used in the EU);
    • (ii) 6.4 (0.5-12.3) seconds in Excruciating pain and 93 (25-161) seconds in Disabling pain in electrical systems set to reduce carcass damage (low voltage-high frequency, typically used in the U.S. and countries lacking stunning regulation); and
    • (iii) 1.19 (0.6-1.8) seconds in Excruciating pain and 70 (24-115) seconds in Disabling pain in electrical systems that ensure the highest possible (96%) effectiveness of stunning by electronarcosis. 
  • Most of the time in Excruciating pain derives from the experience of live scalding (expected to affect very different proportions of birds in each system) and, to a lesser extent, from electro-immobilization and fatal electrocution in electrical waterbath systems. Disabling pain is associated (though not continuously or exclusively) with the pain from the compression of injured legs during shackling, wing fractures, pre-stun shocks, electro-immobilization, fatal electrocution and the incision of vessels and carotids. In CO2 stunning, Disabling pain emerges from the possibility that the sensation of breathlessness and aversiveness to CO2 reach a Disabling level at certain CO2 concentrations.
  • A transition from electrical waterbath systems to properly implemented multi-stage CO2 systems is expected to substantially reduce the time the average broiler spends in acutely intense pain. Overall, 99% to nearly 100% of the time in Excruciating pain during stunning could be prevented, along with 87-90% of the time in Disabling pain. 
  • Such a transition would also spare 7.5 to 550 million birds in the United States and up to 44 million birds in the European Union from the experience of live scalding every year. 
  • In CAS systems where crates are not opened prior to stunning (for the identification/removal of birds dead on arrival at the slaughterhouse or placement of birds into stunning units), the possibility of animal abuse is virtually eliminated.
  • However, there is a trade-off between a reduction of intense pain with the use of CO2 stunning systems and an increase in the duration of (milder) pain given the aversive nature of CO2 prior to loss of consciousness. In general, a 27-36% longer time in Hurtful and Annoying pain is expected in multi-stage CO2 systems compared to electrical waterbath systems. 
  • The expected welfare benefits of CO2 stunning systems are lost if exposure times or gas concentrations are insufficient to ensure that birds do not regain consciousness after leaving the gas stunner. Slaughter plants may not be willing to leave birds in the stunner for a long time given their prioritization of speed and high throughput rates. Short exposure time is likely to result in a large fraction of birds regaining consciousness, who could thus experience the pain associated with neck cutting, bleeding and scalding. In such cases, the estimated time in intense pain will be longer [3.2 (0.03-6.37) seconds in Excruciating pain and 14.5 (5.65–23.3) sec in Disabling pain] than that typically associated with ‘properly set and managed’ electrical waterbath systems. 
  • It is critical that reforms focusing on the implementation of CO2 stunning ensure the adoption of mechanisms to guarantee that birds are killed in the gas stunner. 
  • Market forces support the transition, as once implemented CO2 stunning is associated with reduced carcass damage. Still, other gas stunning systems not investigated here (e.g. inert gases) are thought to be less aversive to poultry than carbon dioxide, yet a transition to CO2 stunning makes future investment into other systems less likely.
  • Preventing or alleviating the most extreme forms of pain and suffering, including the acutely intense and concentrated states of pain endured at slaughter plants, is an ethical priority, often viewed as being of greater urgency than alleviating less severe states of suffering. The potential for interventions 一 other than stunning reforms 一 to prevent extreme forms of acute suffering depends on the extent with which one concurs that conditions other than those experienced in the slaughter plant also cause Excruciating pain in their victims. Among these conditions are fatal cases of ascites, associated with acute breathlessness and visceral pain produced by the accumulation of fluid and pressure in the abdomen in the moments preceding death, as well as cases of extreme pain from severe sepsis, which are accompanied by major organ failure, hemorrhages on the heart, liver, kidneys, muscles and serous membranes (in humans, severe sepsis is often equated to severe burning, e.g. ‘my sepsis felt like my body was on fire, burning from the inside out‘). To the extent that these instances of extreme pain at the farm can be compared with those endured by some individuals at slaughter (particularly the experience of scalding), other interventions could have a greater potential of alleviating extreme suffering (e.g. the transition from fast- to a slower-growing breed reaching a slaughter weight of 2.5 Kg at 56 days is expected to prevent 33 [13 to 53] hours of Disabling pain, 79 [-99 to 260] hours of Hurtful and 25 [5 to 45] seconds of Excruciating pain for every bird affected by this intervention). Naturally, these estimates do not consider differences in the tractability of the different interventions or their flow-through effects in terms of public attitudes regarding farm animal welfare or demand for animal-sourced products.

Time (Seconds) in Pain Averted per Average Broiler: Transition from Electrical Waterbath to Properly implemented CO2 systems



All parameter values used for the analysis (estimates of duration, intensity, number of occurrences, and the prevalence of each welfare offense) are justified in the book in Chapter 9 of the book “Quantifying Pain in Broilers” (Chapter 9). However, we invite the reader to examine the extent to which the estimates presented here are sensitive to our choices and assumptions, at the platform https://pain-track.org/broilers/stunning. In this web application, all parameter values can be altered, with the automatic update of all estimates.


  • Data is extremely scarce on the proportion of birds not effectively stunned and still conscious during bleeding and prior to entering the scald tank in electrical waterbath systems under typical commercial conditions, particularly in non-European countries. To our knowledge, there is also no data available on the proportion of non-stunned birds that have their arteries improperly severed. Further studies in abattoirs, particularly in major chicken producing countries, are very much needed to determine these figures more accurately. 
  • No data is available on the proportion of birds that typically receive pre-stun shocks in electrical waterbath systems, or the number of shocks typically received by them.
  • There are only two publications that report on the behavioral responses of broilers exposed to multistage CO2 systems in commercial conditions, in which the results are disaggregated for each stunning stage. Also, there have been no measurements of the proportion of birds regaining consciousness depending on the time of exposure to CO2 in commercial systems.
  • Many of the relevant and impactful CAS research has been funded by CAS systems manufacturers. Further independent research is greatly needed.
  • Further studies are critically needed to determine the extent to which pain is suppressed in situations of extreme fear (fear-induced analgesia is known in many species, and may also be present in chickens). Should this possibility hold, it would have major implications for the understanding of pain and suffering, particularly during the stunning and slaughter process.
  • Whether the neural circuitry for fear in birds is activated by exposure to hypercapnic gases has not yet been investigated. Since in mammals fear is triggered through the detection of carbon dioxide and acidosis by the amygdala, an extremely ancient structure also present in birds, a similar mechanism is most likely to be present in chickens. 
  • Research has shown that fear and panic in mammals are suppressed with the administration of antianxiety drugs. Yet the effect of such drugs, or those known to relieve breathlessness in humans such as inhaled furosemide, on chickens’ responses to CO2 have not been explored. 
  • There is yet no consensus on the extent to which different behavioural indicators, signs and reflexes can accurately identify loss of consciousness, with a large variation in estimates to time of consciousness even in those findings based on EEG activity. Further research is also needed to determine the extent to which convulsions after loss of posture can occur in conscious birds.
  • Ineffective stunning with CAS is likely to occur if gas concentrations are not properly adjusted or exposure time is insufficient, in which case a large fraction of birds may regain consciousness and experience the pain from neck cutting and scalding. This has led to concerns on whether slaughter plants will be willing to leave birds in gas mixtures for a long time, given the prioritization of speed. An understanding on the likelihood that compliance with proper CO2 stunning parameters will be achieved is thus greatly needed.