The Routledge Handbook of Animal Welfare is out!

The Routledge Handbook of Animal Welfare, edited by Andrew Knight, Clive Phillips and Paula Sparks, can now be pre-ordered at Routledge’s site. The handbook presents a comprehensive and up-to-date exploration of the many topics in the growing field of animal welfare and law.

It was an honor to take part in this initiative. In Chapter 24 (Human Health and Animal Welfare), we describe how the impoverishment of animal health and welfare in modern animal production systems became a major driver of infectious disease emergence at a global level. We also focus on the direct effects of these systems on water and air pollution, the health of workers, and of local communities, as well as review the global health impacts of wildlife hunting, farming, trafficking, and trade. We close with a section on overconsumption of animal-sourced food as a major risk factor for non-communicable diseases, written by Dr. Eric Slywitch.

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  • Table of Contents:

PART 1: Animal welfare fundamentals 

  • 1. The moral status of animals: biological foundations 
  • 2. Animal welfare concepts 
  • 3. Animal welfare assessment  

PART 2: Animal farming, transportation and killing  

  • 4. Contemporary animal farming 
  • 5. Farming poultry 
  • 6. Farming pigs 
  • 7. Farming cattle 
  • 8. Farming sheep and goats 
  • 9. Farming nondomesticated and semidomesticated terrestrial species 
  • 10. Farming fish 
  • 11. Transportation 
  • 12. Slaughter, Euthanasia, and Depopulation  

PART 3: Animal use for other purposes  

  • 13. Scientific and educational animal use 
  • 14. Animals in entertainment 
  • 15. Zoos and aquaria 
  • 16. Hunting, fishing and whaling 
  • 17. Commercial fisheries 
  • PART 4: Species-specific concerns  
  • 18. Canines and felines 
  • 19. Equines 
  • 20. Non-domesticated terrestrial species 
  • 21. Companion fish 
  • 22. Marine mammals 

 PART 5: Recent and emerging issues  

  • 23. Climate change, human-wildlife conflict and biodiversity loss 
  • 24. Animal welfare and human health 
  • 25. Animal disaster management  

PART 6: Animal ethics and law  

  • 26. Animal ethics 
  • 27. Animal law – historical, contemporary and international developments 
  • 28. Key animal law in Australia 
  • 29. Key animal law in China 
  • 30. Key animal law across Europe 
  • 31. Key animal law in India 
  • 32. Key animal law in South Africa 
  • 33. Key animal law in the United States  

PART 7: Social change for animals  

  • 34. Stakeholder groups and perspectives 
  • 35. Animal advocacy and human behavioural change 
  • 36. Animal Welfare Education and Communication

Confounding Factors in Welfare Comparisons

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